Friday, 9 December 2016

Dinoplatz Dear Brachiosaurus Oil Paper to the Sponge

The Dinoplatz Dear Brachiosaurus Oil Paper to the Sponge looks really adorable and I could not help myself.

The packaging is a plastic container which has the same pattern as the paper cardboard housing it.

The biggest difference with this and a regular blotting paper is that this has a mirror which is incredibly useful and that it has a sponge which helps the blotting paper adhere to for easier blotting.

It is a lot easier having the blotting paper adhere to a sponge and blotting as such. I have also taken to peeling off the sticky part because there are several layers of it, seeing as there is quite a lot of blotting paper and obviously after a while, the adherence loses its stickiness.

I am already considering refilling this as necessary when I run out of blotting papers. This removes excess shine without messing up the make up so it is definitely a win in my books. I love this product and am so glad I randomly decided to pick it up!

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