Saturday 27 October 2018

Citadines Amenities

If you wonder why I blog about hotel amenities, it is because sometimes certain hotels provide really lovely amenities, which is nice to flag up and sometimes hotels do their own ranges, which is helpful to know if they are servicable!

I almost always dislike hotel shampoos and conditioners. I tend to be quite nonchalant about body wash/shower gel or body lotion, and soap is just soap.

As expected, the shampoo irritates my scalp. The conditioner has silicones (I will use in a pinch but tend to bring my own haircare).

The body wash I have no issue with and I find it cleansing enough. The body lotion, was so insignificant that I do not actually remember anything about it.

Hotel soaps tend to be sufficient if you want to wash, but do not expect anything fancy. I take half used soaps with me to wash my undergarments (and so as not to waste since they almost always throw it away if you have opened it up). I personally quite enjoy using bar soaps, and this was just like any other hotel soap except it was actually a decent size (still small, but not a tiny silver).

If you are staying at Citadines, it is lovely but perhaps bring your own toiletries if you prefer a slight upgrade. The amenities provided will do in a pinch but are certainly nothing to sing about.

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